Sunday, January 19, 2020

Poems/ Quotes Untuk Move On

Pabila aku berada dalam keadaan yang celaru. Aku memerlukan sokongan  untuk aku moved on. Untuk mengadu kepada insan lain adalah suatu yang amat sukar. Manusia sangat judgemental dan akan menjadikan aku lebih kelabu dan keliru..Oleh sebab itu aku perlu mengambil inisiatif sendiri bagi mencari kekuatan. Bagi memberi semangat untuk tegar menghadapi kekecewaan dan kedukaan. Kekusutan dalam diri ini tidak perlu dicanang atau dikongsi kepada sesiapa pun. Biarlah ku ubati sendiri..Ku pegang dengan kesabaran waktu...mengharapkan Allah sentiasa memberi ketenangan dalam meneruskan kehidupan sehingga nafas ini berakhir.

God has bigger plan
and one day you will say that:
Oh! my god, that is why god has chosen me

There will be haters,
There will be nay sayers,
There will be disbelievers
and then
There will be you
proving them wrong.


This life is a test and a trial
and tests our trials
I never supposed to be easy
so when you're expecting are from life
and life gives you lemons
then you make the lemonade, 
and then do not blame life for that
because you were expecting ease from a trial
Trial make you stronger a better person
Life is trial


It is okay to be scared
It is okay to cry
Everything is okay, but giving up
should not be an option.

They always say that failure is an option
Failure should be an option because
when you fail, you get up, and then you get up,
and that keeps you going
That's how humans are strong.


In all those imperfections
You have to listen to your heart
You don't have to look for good people
You don't have to be perfect just
because other people want you to be perfect.
If your soul is perfect from within
that's all right.
This is all what you want
This is all what you need to be.


Be grateful for what you have
and you will always, always
end up having more.

but if you'll cry, and if you'll
crip for the little thing that
you don't have or the things that you have lost
You will never ever have enough.


Everytime I go in public,
I will smile
It's always have a big smile on my face.

I have stopped worrying about the
things that i have lost,
The people that I've lost
things and people who were meant
to be with me are with me
and sometimes somebody's absence
makes you a better person.

Cherish their absence
It's always, it's always a
blessing in disguise.


Live your life fully
Accept yourself the way you are
be kind to yourself
be kind to yourself
and only then you can be
kind to others
love yourself and spread that love

Life will be hard
There will be turmoils.
There will be trials,
but that will only make you stronger.
Never give up
The real happiness doesn't lie
in money or success or fame
Real happiness lies in gratitude
so be grateful, be alive
and live every moment.



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